Why Integrated Communications Will Always Win

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We’re quickly approaching a new year. Budgets are being finalized, calendars are filling up with activations. During this time of planning, you’ve probably gone through an audit internally or with your agency to determine where the successes, challenges and opportunities lie when it comes to 2020 marketing.

If there’s one thing for certain, multiple communications vehicles need to be implemented during this age. While consumers’ use of technology grows, issues will follow suit. Earlier this year Instagram crashed and over the Thanksgiving holiday, the app along with Facebook reported being down. No business should be built solely on a digital platform even in this era because… technology. There will be moments of crashes, glitches and other interferences that will simply be out of your control.

Whether implementing a media relations or events campaign; limiting your business to tell its brand story on only one platform will result in minimal impact.

Here’s why integrated communications will always win especially in the coming decade.

  1. The great reach. Sure, your target audience is scrolling on Instagram, but they also may be in your city at the local festival. Whether they’re local or based elsewhere, you can increase your chances of connecting with them by leveraging multiple platforms. Reaching more consumers can potentially lead to more conversions.

  2. One size doesn’t fit all. Your audiences differ, not just based on location. For example, a spirit brand wants to connect with consumers who socially drink and the spirits industry (e.g. bartenders, restaurant/lounge owners) but their understanding of cocktails and values will vary. Consumers may care about the taste and price point, while mixologist values the quality of the multiple cocktails they can prepare. With separate messages for these two consumers, different forums must be used.

  3. You can’t live on news alone. 2019 saw a myriad of outlets laying off writers or closing its doors. Family Circle is no more. Bustle went through not just one but two layoffs. It’s reported nearly 8,000 people have lost their jobs across Vice, Buzzfeed and HuffPo. In today’s media landscape, more freelancers and writers are moving from outlet to outlet with those who are staffed are limited on availability to cover every piece of news. Telling your brand’s story on owned channels (website, social) ensures that it reaches your consumer without reliance on the media.

  4. Deeper engagement. In reaching more consumers, your brand story is being delivered at multiple touch points which can result in higher engagement. More likes on social, higher attendance at events, increased traffic to your website as a result of news mentions and more. Your average consumer can turn into a brand advocate or fan as a result of consistent and engaging storytelling, and word-of-mouth is still an effective tool in obtaining consumers.

Ultimately, you want to meet your consumer where they are. Developing an integrated communications strategy allows you to do so across a variety of channels. Events, influencer marketing, media, social and even partnerships should all be considered when creating a strategy. Happy 2020 planning!